Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2013

spiegel.de: SS-Projekt: Kaninchenzucht !! - Bilder von den Konzentrationslagern

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siehe dazu auch hier: einestages.spiegel.de/ss-projekt-angora-himmlers-kaninchenzucht-im-konzentrationslager

         weiteres zu dem Thema zur Überprüfung hier: Anne Frank


2013/12/10 Otto Sturhahn <osturhahn@vip.net>

Diese sind dan die Haare die man uns als Judenhaare verkauft.
Pile of long female hair undeniably proving countless women were murdered in the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers.

Re: Revisionist Photos from Concentration Camps and Ghettos 1933-1945

Thank you very much for the beautiful photos!
Photo-book made for Heinrich Himmler, Angora rabbit-breeding for the warm fur in Concentration Camps, 1943 (Part 1)
ProtektoratCechyaMorava is offlineAdd to ProtektoratCechyaMorava's ReputationReport Post

Cages with Angora's in Stutthof, 1943 and the administration of Angora rabbit-breeding in Mauthausen, 1942-1943
Heinrich Himmler in Stutthof looking on the Angora's, November 23, 1941
Prisoners taking care of the Angora's in Dachau, 1940-1942
Shaved Angora's in Neuengamme, 1940-1943
Photo-book made for Heinrich Himmler, Angora rabbit-breeding for the warm fur in Concentration Camps, 1943 (Part 2)

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